Business Advice - Activate Tāmaki Makaurau support

Business Advice to Auckland based businesses

The Business Advice & Implementation Grants are now available for application.  Auckland businesses can apply for up to $3000 + GST through Business Advice support.  An Implementation Grant will pay for specific services to put your business advice or plan into action. 

If you’re looking for expert advice and support in areas such as Continuity, Financial Planning, Business Hibernation, Compromises or Exit, we can help get you there.  You can access advice if you are considering hibernating or closing your business, or are looking to restructure.

The advice should lead to a plan to overcome challenges and/or identify opportunities and map out the scope of the work required to achieve the plan. 

Implementation Grant

You can also register for help to put your business plan or advice into action – either an existing business plan or a plan based on the Business Advice received through Activate Tāmaki Makaurau.  The implementation grant is $4,000 + GST.

Eligibility to Access Business Advice and an Implementation grant

Your business needs to:
• be operating with 100 full time equivalent employees or less
• be GST registered in New Zealand
• have a New Zealand Business Number (NZBN)
• be operating in a commercial environment
• be a privately-owned business or are a Māori Trust or incorporation under the Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993 or similar organisation managing Māori assets under multiple ownership
• primarily operate within the Auckland Alert Level 3 boundary
• be an existing business that is trading prior to 22 October 2021

Register for Support

Businesses need to register for Activate Tāmaki Makaurau support. McDonald Vague have registered with Activate Tāmaki Makaurau.

Business Advice, register here

Implementation Grants, register here

Our Service Offering

A review of the business, including a review of the company’s cashflow and financial management, and a restructuring/turnaround assessment to determine whether the business should:
- Continue to trade – implement financial and cashflow management, business continuity planning, consider new opportunities and customer identification, operational improvements, and business coaching
- Restructure the business – implement financial and cashflow management, scale down/streamline operations, customer identification, and debt restructuring
- Wind down and close the business – implement liquidation planning and support

First Steps - Contact us on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for further information and to assist with the application.

We’re here to help your business.

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